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Insurance Warehouses of America

6200 Metrowest Boulevard , Suite 204
Orlando, FL 32835

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Insurance Coverage for Items Stored in A Garage

Protect the items stored inside your residential garage. Please familiarize yourself with insurance coverage for garages and the contents stored within them. Then, contact one of our agents at Insurance Warehouses of America.

Garage Coverage

A residential garage is typically included in a home insurance policy. The coverage protects the garage’s structural materials and the contents stored within it.

The coverage amount can vary. The size of the garage will affect how much protection is needed, as will the type of items being stored. A consumer can customize their home insurance policy.

Full Replacement Value

Items depreciate over time. A standard insurance policy may cover against theft and vandalism. It may, however, only pay for the true value of an item. Full replacement value coverage will increase the amount of protection that possessions are equipped with.

Personal Property Coverage

Most home insurance policies offer personal property coverage. This type of coverage protects belongings from the elements, theft, and vandalism. It may not necessarily matter where the items are stored.

Reviewing your home insurance policy’s terms is a good idea. This will allow you to acquire information about the amount of coverage you have for your belongings. 

If the amount won’t satisfactorily replace damaged or lost items, you can increase the coverage that your policy provides.

Contact Our Office!

An agent representing Orlando, FL, will conduct an insurance analysis for you. This analysis will determine which type of coverage is needed for your garage and the items stored within it.

Does Your Credit Score Affect Home Insurance Coverage?

Homeowners strive to make smart financial decisions. Often, the outcome of those choices will affect your home insurance coverage. Insurance Warehouses of America in Orlando, FL can evaluate your credit score and create a policy that protects your residence.

How a Credit Score Affects Home Insurance Coverage

Insurance companies use a formula to determine if offering a home insurance policy is a financial risk. Their final decision goes beyond the home’s location, size, and current condition. Your personal credit history will have an impact on the coverage offered.

Your credit score does not have a direct effect on the status of the home insurance policy. Instead, it becomes part of your overall credit-based insurance score, which will determine if you are a policyholder or not.

What is a Credit-Based Insurance Score?

Credit-based insurance scores help decide if you are financially responsible enough to handle a quarterly bill plan. The criteria are slightly different from a FICO credit score, which is used to secure a personal loan or credit card. Insurance companies will run their version of a credit check to determine if you can pay bills on time. The credit-based insurance score is based on your credit history and other financial documentation submitted with the application.

A poor credit-based insurance score cannot be the sole reason you were denied home insurance coverage. Instead, you will be labeled" a poor credit risk," and lenders may request you to pay a higher premium. 

Can Bad Creditors Get Home Insurance

Despite all of your financial hardship, it is possible to receive a home insurance policy. However, you will pay a higher premium than other homeowners. Your premium rates could change if you improve your credit-based insurance score before renewing your policy. It can be accomplished by paying bills on time and keeping existing credit card use to a minimum.

If you are having trouble gaining home insurance coverage, Insurance Warehouses of America in Orlando, FL can help navigate an unfriendly market. Our staff’s experience and knowledge of the state requirements help create an effective policy for homeowners with credit issues. Call and schedule an appointment today. 

Do You Need to File a Homeowner’s Insurance Claim?

As a homeowner, it can be tough to decide when you need to file a homeowner’s insurance claim–and when it makes more sense to try to complete a repair on your own. At Insurance Warehouses of America, serving the Orlando, FL metroplex, our team is here to help you keep your home in great shape. Here, we’ll take a look at a few things you need to consider when deciding whether you should file a homeowner’s insurance claim. 

Three Considerations For Home Insurance Claims

Consider your deductible. 

If the estimated price of your repair is more than your deductible, it’s likely that it makes sense to file a homeowner’s insurance claim. If the difference between your cost and your deductible is negligible, you may want to consider paying for the cost yourself in an effort to keep your insurance rates low. 

Consider the nature of the loss. 

If your loss is catastrophic (caused by a fire, natural disaster, or other issue that causes an unusually high level of damage), it usually makes sense to file a homeowner’s insurance claim. 

Talk with your insurance agent. 

Discussing the nature of your potential claim with your agent doesn’t mean that you have to file, and they may be able to give you advice on whether it makes sense to file a claim. 

Schedule A Consultation Today

At Insurance Warehouses of America, we’re proud to serve Orlando, FL residents with a wide variety of insurance products. Reach out to us today to learn how we can provide you with the products necessary to support all of your insurance needs. 

What May Not Be Covered Under Your Home Insurance

One of the reasons it is critical to have your homeowners’ insurance reviewed occasionally is that homeowners can often forget about what may or may not be covered. When you secure home insurance through Insurance Warehouses of America, serving the Orlando, FL metroplex, you have access to agents who can answer your questions, discover and fill in gaps, and provide up-to-date quotes.

Here are some common misperceptions about home insurance and what may not be covered:


Many homeowners don’t understand that flooding is generally not covered under basic home insurance policies. This is separate coverage administered by the Federal Government and FEMA and must be secured separately. This is particularly critical in Florida, where new construction and storms are prevalent, and flood plains are changing.


Damage from earth movements such as earthquakes and sinkholes is usually not covered under standard home insurance policies. This too is important to keep in mind in Florida, where sinkholes occur more often than in other states.


Damage from termites is not covered under basic home insurance policies. Termite prevention is considered part of home maintenance. That being said, many services that are designed to provide termite control may offer separate protection under their own guarantee.

Damage From Lack of Maintenance

Homeowners are responsible for properly maintaining their properties. Damage that occurs to a rotting wooden fence, for example, would likely not be covered.

We Can Help!

If you have questions about home insurance or would find a review of your homeowners’ insurance helpful, we invite you to reach out to us at Insurance Warehouses of America in Orlando, FL. A home insurance review and price quotes are free and come under no obligation. Contact us today.

Preventing Water Damage in Your Home

There are many tasks involved in maintaining your home and any possible risks to your home. But as the saying goes, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Water damage is a key concern in homes.

Here are some tips on preventing it, courtesy of Insurance Warehouses of America serving the Orlando, FL area.

Preventing Water Damage

Maintaining and repairing the roof

One of the biggest sources of water damage is the roof. So it is extremely important to maintain the roof, and that starts with having it inspected frequently. Follow the advice of a reputable roof repair company as far as repairs. Also, if the roof has any problems, such as leaks or missing shingles, repair them promptly.

Monitoring all plumbing

Another key source of water damage in a house is plumbing. That is, there are leaks in showers, sinks, and other plumbing. Make sure to inspect and repair all plumbing promptly to prevent water damage. Keep in mind that some plumbing leaks and water damage occur behind walls and ceilings, so a professional needs to assess for plumbing problems.

Risks of water damage

If there is water damage in your home, the risks can be large. For example, water damage can lead to mold. And that can lead to major damage to the property, as well as health problems for anyone in the house. Water damage can also be costly and result in structural damage to the property.

There are numerous ways to prevent water damage in your home. If you need more information about this important topic, contact Insurance Warehouses of America serving the Orlando, FL area.

Do I need to have home insurance in Florida?

Owning a home in the Orlando, FL area has continued to be a good investment. Not only have prices appreciated in value in recent years, but it has also helped residents have a stable place to call home. While it is not required by law to carry home insurance, there are still likely requirements for insurance that need to be met.

There are various reasons why you may need this insurance:

Protect Your Investment and Asset

An important reason to have a home insurance policy when you are in this part of Florida is that it is a great way to protect your investment. Buying a home in any situation requires a big purchase, and you will want to know that this investment is secure. A great way you can do this is by getting home insurance as it will offer financial support so you can replace or repair your home if you incur a covered loss. 

Comply with Obligations

You also should get a home insurance plan so you can comply with any requirements. Those that purchase a home in this area are likely to also take out a mortgage. Along with this, it is important that you meet the insurance requirements set by the lender. In many cases, you may also have to escrow your payments each month, which will give the lender comfort that you will remain covered. 

Contact Us Today

If you are looking to buy a home in the Orlando, FL area, it would be very smart for you to get proper insurance. Our team of experts at Insurance Warehouses of America can offer you the guidance you need to build your next policy. When you call us at Insurance Warehouses of America, you receive customized support and advice that will ensure you are appropriately covered. 

How To Understand A Home Insurance Policy

Home insurance isn’t exactly the easiest thing to understand. From how much you pay, to what’s covered and how to claim, it can all be a little overwhelming. And every home insurance policy is different. There’s no need to worry. This helpful overview from Insurance Warehouses of America provides homeowners in Orlando, FL with what they need to know regarding homeowner’s insurance.

What Are The Basics Of A Home Insurance Policy?

Homeowner’s insurance essentially provides financial protection against a number of risks to your home and its contents, including fire, theft, and damage from storms. You have specific coverages that you can choose from, like a personal property policy and liability coverage. Every policy is different in how it handles the cost of repairs or replacements. Homeowner’s insurance is meant to give you peace of mind for your home in Orlando, FL.

How Much Coverage Do I Need? 

Not everyone needs the same amount of home insurance coverage. The amount of coverage you need depends on many factors, such as the value of your home, the value of your personal belongings, and the amount of liability protection you need. Here are a few things to consider when determining how much coverage you need

  • The first thing you need to do is figure out the replacement cost of your home. This is the cost to rebuild your home from scratch, not the market value. To get an accurate estimate, ask a local builder or contractor for a quote.
  • Next, take inventory of your personal belongings and estimate their value. This includes furniture, electronics, clothing, and anything else that would need to be replaced if it were damaged or destroyed.
  • Finally, decide how much liability protection you need. This is the coverage that protects you from lawsuits if someone is injured on your property or if one of your guests causes damage to another person’s property.

Call Insurance Warehouses of America if you have any questions about your policy. We work hard to meet all of your insurance needs.

Should I Buy Renters or Home Insurance?

When it comes to renters or home insurance, there are many things to consider. The first step is understanding the difference between the two types of policies. That way, you can make an informed decision about which one is right for you. 

Insurance Warehouses of America in Orlando, FL is here to help you navigate these important insurance coverages. 

Renters vs Home Insurance

Renters Insurance

One of the most important things to consider when you’re renting is getting renters insurance. This type of policy will protect your belongings in the event that something happens to them, such as a fire or theft. It will also cover you if someone gets hurt while on your property. In most cases, your landlord’s insurance will not cover these things.

There are a few things to keep in mind when you’re shopping for renters insurance. First, you’ll need to decide how much coverage you need. This will depend on the value of your belongings. Second, you’ll need to choose a deductible that you’re comfortable with. Finally, you’ll need to decide whether you want additional coverage for valuable items, like jewelry or art.

Home Insurance

Homeowners, on the other hand, need to purchase home insurance. This policy will protect your home and belongings in the event that something happens to them. It will also cover you if someone gets hurt while on your property. Again, mortgage lenders typically require home insurance.

While you need to consider many of the same things when shopping for home insurance as you do for renters insurance, there are a few key differences. First, remember that this policy also insures the structure and other permanent fixtures of your home. Second, you’ll need to decide how much coverage you need for the replacement value of your home.

Give Us A Call

As you have seen, these two types of policies have different targets. Renters insurance is perfect for those currently renting and need to insure their belongings. Home insurance is designed for homeowners to protect their homes, belongings, and liability. Now that you know the basics of each type of policy, you can decide which one is right for you.

Regardless of what you are looking for, Insurance Warehouses of America in Orlando, FL is here to help. Call us today to get a free quote.

Why Homeowners Need Home Insurance

Owning a home is a big responsibility, and a lot comes with this ownership. One of those things is getting home insurance and carrying the policy the entire time that you own your home. It’s important to have this protection, as it protects you in a number of ways. If you need home insurance in Orlando, FL, call us today at Insurance Warehouses of America. 

Why Homeowners Need Home Insurance

Protecting Your House

Your house is in need of protection against a number of damaging calamities, accidents, and disasters. Home insurance provides this protection. It is vital to have this insurance because it can pay for the repairs you will need after something serious damages your house. The protection afforded by home insurance keeps you protected from having to spend your own money to make major repairs to your home. For many people, such an expense would simply be unaffordable. 

Coverage for Your Possessions

The belongings that are inside your house would require a lot of money to replace, and that’s another reason that home insurance is so important. It covers all of those belongings so that the policy can pay to replace them if needed. When there is a serious accident or another occurrence, having this coverage assures you that you won’t have to replace all of your possessions by yourself. 

Liability Protection

Another form of protection afforded by this coverage is liability protection. It protects you financially if someone had an accident in your home and had injuries and medical bills from it. It would pay for those medical bills for you so that you wouldn’t have to struggle financially to do so. 

Get Your Home Covered

If you don’t have a home insurance policy yet for your house, don’t wait any longer. Call us at Insurance Warehouses of America in Orlando, FL.


Home Insurance Terms You Should Be Familiar With

Unlike auto insurance, home insurance is not a form of insurance coverage that is generally required. However, this does not mean that you shouldn’t carry this type of coverage, as it can protect you financially when a catastrophic event occurs. When you are unfamiliar with home insurance, it can be helpful to familiarize yourself with some common home insurance terms. Insurance Warehouses of America wants to share some of these home insurance terms with Orlando, FL residents.


A peril is considered a covered and unfortunate event that may result in the need to file a claim with your insurer. There are a number of perils that are covered under a typical home insurance policy. Some of these covered perils may include fires, vandalism, wind damage, and theft.


An exclusion is considered an event that is not covered by your home insurance policy. For example, it is common for policies to exclude damage caused by floods, mudslides, and earthquakes. In order to be covered by these perils, a separate policy must be purchased.


A deductible is a specific amount of money that must be paid before the home insurance company will pay your claim. The higher the deductible, the lower your monthly premium, on average. You can pay more monthly to have a low deductible so that you have less out of pocket in the event you must file an insurance claim.

Replacement Value

Replacement value is how much it costs to replace your property in its current condition if a total loss were to occur. Although market value will rise and fall from one year to the next, replacement value usually doesn’t. Therefore, it is safer and wiser to insure your property this way. A contractor can provide you with an estimate of how much it would cost to rebuild your home from nothing.

The terms of a home insurance policy can be tricky, so when you need help understanding your policy or are ready to purchase home insurance for your property, contact Insurance Warehouses of America. Serving Orlando, FL, this insurance firm can help you create a home insurance policy that fits your individual needs.

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